Complaints can be filed with us if you have experienced something negative as a result of our actions or inaction. This includes any loss, damage, distress, or inconvenience you may have suffered.
Additionally, discrimination, harassment, victimization, and bullying are also grounds for a complaint.
Complaints can be made about individuals who work for the apartments, including Front desk, Housekeeper, Bartender, Manager, Staff, Contractors and Volunteers or the service provided by the apartments as an Organisation. You may also complain about the attitudes or behaviour of any of the previously described individuals.
In order to file a complaint against the apartments as an organization, you must have been directly affected by the problem you are complaining about.
If your complaint is about an organisation that provides services on our behalf, for example a private security company, you should complain to them directly in the first instance. We will still be able to investigate your complaint if you are not satisfied with the response you receive.
If your complaint is about a person, you need to have either witnessed their actions or have been directly affected by them. For example, you cannot make a complaint about something you have seen on social media involving people you don't know or an event you didn't attend.
To file a complaint about the apartments as an organisation, you must have stayed there or interacted with them in some way.
Whenever you are not sure whether your complaint falls within our remit, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Lastly, you may print out our complaint form if you wish to send a letter of complaint.
To lodge a complaint, please complete the form below. A complaint can also be lodged on your behalf by another individual who has your written permission.
Please provide as much detail as you can about your complaint.
If you have a disability and require an alternative format or communication support, please let us know.
We will acknowledge your complaint within five working days and aim to resolve it within 28 days. If we need more time to investigate your complaint, we will keep you informed of our progress.
1. Please provide us with your name and contact details: